Friday, December 5, 2008

Hidden Features

There are a few hidden features in the new tractor pulling game. Here is one of them. I hope you like it.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

So whats next?

So the question I have been getting lately is what is next. You have the new game out so what can we expect.

well here is my plan for now, Keep in mind this can change at anytime.

  1. I plan within the next few weeks to update this game. I have been told that the game is too easy and needs to be changed up a bit.
  2. I plan to add tractors to the game. this will be ongoing,
  3. I plan to add new levelsto the game. this will also be ongoing
  4. I plan to add modifieds, 2wd, 4wd, and semis to this game.
  5. I plan to rest (alot)
  6. I plan with my wife to have a baby (february 1st 2009) this is the most important on the list.
  7. I plan to enjoy every minute of life.

Hope that answers everything


Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Ok I did it I finished the game. I know you are excited to play the game so here is the link

Have fun playing

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

So whats with these rumors?


There is a new game in the process of being programmed,

How far along am I?. Well it is not done but it is close enough for me to think of it as in Level 3 testing.

What is testing level 3? nothing I just made it up

So where are you really? I have a game at 95% finished. It has 28 tractors, several sleds, Track conditions left and right air pressure adjustments.

So when will it be out? Not telling, I always seem to jinx myself when I say it will be out on such and such date and then something major happens, Yeah you remember I said "new game coming next thursday" and Computer Crashed, and "new game end of month" and programming software crashed. and then agian a computer crashed.

So I will say the game will be out very soon, and it will be annouced on this page. before anywhere else in the world.

Thanks for your support.


Monday, June 23, 2008

Problems after Problems after Problems after Problems

Well here is the deal, I have been totally burned out with programming these games. I had great ideas, I had alot programmed, when it got time for the sound to go into the game I started running test on the sound and it sounded like someone just put a speaker in the bottom of the toilet and flushed right as the sound started to play, Terible. So I started looking into how to fix it. It turns out that the programming software I use has now fixed the problem with the sound sounding like toilet speakers. But unfortunatlly to fix the problem I had to upgrade to a newer software which uses a new set of programming codes.

Needless to say All the work I have done already is useless because the new program will not accept the old codes that I have programmed.

It is really frustratiing.

I plan to build a few new games soon so keep checking back. Summer is traditionally a busy time for me but I hope to do a few new things to make the site better/more interactive. I have started buy upgrading my hosting servers so that I can fully support bigger files and newwer scripts.

Thanks for Checking in.
