Monday, June 23, 2008

Problems after Problems after Problems after Problems

Well here is the deal, I have been totally burned out with programming these games. I had great ideas, I had alot programmed, when it got time for the sound to go into the game I started running test on the sound and it sounded like someone just put a speaker in the bottom of the toilet and flushed right as the sound started to play, Terible. So I started looking into how to fix it. It turns out that the programming software I use has now fixed the problem with the sound sounding like toilet speakers. But unfortunatlly to fix the problem I had to upgrade to a newer software which uses a new set of programming codes.

Needless to say All the work I have done already is useless because the new program will not accept the old codes that I have programmed.

It is really frustratiing.

I plan to build a few new games soon so keep checking back. Summer is traditionally a busy time for me but I hope to do a few new things to make the site better/more interactive. I have started buy upgrading my hosting servers so that I can fully support bigger files and newwer scripts.

Thanks for Checking in.
