Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Ok guys, It has been a hard week for me to work on the game. I seemed to have burned myself out. I started agian tonight on the game. I now have most of the graphics for the tractor purchase screen. Most of the programming is done also for the purchase screen. Final Count on purchaseable tractors is 34. There are also a few hidden ones that can only be aquired by upgrading from a cheep tractor. I still have alot of work ahead of me. but I have gotten a few crutial parts of the game done.

each Model of tractor has its own unique story with it. it also has its own strengths and weaknesses.

Above is a sample of one of the stock tractors. notice it has as story with the tractor. Below Is an unlimited Super Sotck Tractor. these 2 pictures represent the cheapest and most expensive tractors for purchase. (note not all of the unlimited Supers are this much money)

A few other notes. The Chat Room had the first Offical Chat ever on monday night. It was kinda slow at times but I think there were about 10~15 members at different times.

The forum is temporarily shut down again. Since I had so much trouble with spam. I am currently reviewing what should be done for a forum. I am not sure what I will do for a forum.

Untill then you can leave comments on this page or you can also leave messages in the chat room.

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